SIGraDi São Paulo 2009: From Modern to Digital The Challenges of a Transition

Queremos invitarlos a enviar sus papers a Sigradi 2009, esperamos tener una participación importante de las Facultades de Arquitectura y Diseño, Artes y Humanidades e Ingeniería de la Universidad en esta edición. Como saben seremos sede de Sigradi en 2010, y es de gran importancia nuestra participacion en Brasil este año.
El deadline es Abril 15, y pueden encontrar más detalles en este sitio Web:

During the last twenty years, we’ve been surprised by the emergence of a new architecture, of rare formal expressiveness and instigating use of materials that, moving far away from the typical standardization set under the industrial paradigm, employs differentiated components individually adjusted to its varied angles.

As Rivka Oxman (2006) puts it, they are incremental adjustments that when summoned upon the discontinuity, differentiation and diversity, form an architecture of great complexity, one that corresponds to a digital era architecture. 

According to William J. Mitchell, in a keynote lecture given at Viena CAADfutures Congress, in 2005, an architecture that, differently from what occured in the past, when buildings were the materialization of drawings, architecture today is the materialization of digital information, as buildings are designed and documented through CAD systems, simulated by digitally controlled machines and built up in site with the help of digital instruments.

For Branko Kolarevic (2003), this fact is related to the transfer of the contemporary production means keen to the aerospace, naval and automobile industries to the architectural realm, with methodologies based on digital technologies, precluding paper and in a continuous flux between design and construction.
Thus we are faced with a new Architecture attainable exclusively by the intense use of digital technologies throughout its production phases.

This condition has been extended into urban, industrial and communication design and arts in general, indicating that a thoroughly understanding of contemporary production entails a permanent debate about the fast paced evolution of digital technologies when applied to our field of knowledge .

This debate shall engage not only specialists and researchers, but the whole architecture and design comumnities, in an attempt to broaden the understanding of the central issues of the digital era and to gather feedback from the professional practice.

The upcoming SIGraDi Congress at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in São Paulo 2009, will be a great opportunity to check out the state of the art of worldwide developments in digital architecture, urban design, industrial design and arts, as well as an unique chance to take an inner glance at one of the largest global cities in the world.