From your personal experimentation with the theme “wind” formulates a concept asking questions. For example: What is wind to you? What are its strengths? Like or scares you? How does it sound? How does it feel? How does it smell? How you behave when you are not there? How many words or terms exist for wind? … Why this topic is interesting for you? What is your concept? How do you translate the concept to an experimental source? What you are going to design?

Fragments . Francesca Valdivieso
The wind has the particularity to change those things that are on their way. Depending on your strength, direction and manner in which this generates different responses to the material on which it is exercised.
The wind is taken, then as destructive force that draws us to the end. It also seeks a detainee to the remains of what was a waste of a perfect past that now lies destroyed and devastated look.
Debris and dust, brick and wood. Unimaginable speeds that change and destroy everything in its path. Turns violent bursting, break, break.
And what they leave is so beautiful that it hurts.

Juan Diego Santos
The wind is a natural element that affects different ways entire ecosystems and therefore life these. The original definition of wind is “offset differences in atmospheric pressure between two points.” That is to say, is the response to a change between two air chambers with different pressures. In this way the wind can be seen as a game changer. It is equally important to note that the wind is causing many changes in nature. Erosion (change in the shapes of the stones) happens mainly by the existence of drafts that hit the rocks. With this change occur in different ways mountains, soils, valleys, among other places tide nature. It should be kept in mind also that the wind does not just change elements in nature but also in human life and in daily life. Measure the strength, direction and speed of these air currents is important for dimensioning building structures such as silos, large sheds, high buildings, etc. It is also vital for an alternative energy source that uses the human being; wind farms.
The wind of change is born and produces change, however it is invisible to the human eye element and therefore not routinely perceive the change that this can generate. This change shows the connection between two distant elements. Elaborating on the concept “wind” We can give us that it is a change that demonstrates a connection between everything existing, though invisible to the human being. The human senses limit you to see things that connect with nature in their daily lives, although this connection may affect your whole life. The wind force is uncontrollable.

The wind is old and keeps moments and memories . Angelica Lopez
The wind is old and keeps moments and memories with a simple breeze can make me remember past stories, places and smells of people saved and the wind took, but occasionally comes, blows and gets to go more .
From tiny I had the ability to store many times, faces, places and memories in my head with ease, I have what “good memory” is said, but my memory is very visual and sensitive to the smell. Whenever I try to remember some of the first thing I remember is how it looked or smelled. And the wind plays an important role in this, he is responsible for carrying those smells and those images in my head, how they smelled leaves favorite book of my grandfather or my grandmother and her perfume so characteristic. How I loved playing hours in the park but when was the smell of wet asphalt came running into the house, how I played with my brothers when we all lived in the same house and we scared them when the wind shut a door. The wind was present in each of these moments, is and always has been a witness of events that eventually become memories or memories.

Compass Volatile . Daniela Baena Vargas
Impulse and guidance, the wind is the memory of the earth and their ancestors. Since ancient times the wind was the most important for travelers and sailors tool. They left the lands known to go in search of new and exciting experiences, always deposited in this master all his confidence. Travelers and sailors know that the wind, storm and wind are your faithful companions and that this great sage who is always present but not seen, is your guide and compass in difficult times.
The wind is not only the engine thrust and candles for adventurers reach their destination and fulfill their dreams, is also a teacher who holds many lessons. Join boaters on their journey which is not always easy, gentle tide makes the best sailors and travelers; is when the tide rises by the force with which the wind blows, travelers to prove themselves and that this great master is manifested, for keeping memories can become great learning.
Strong blows on a cold night, the gentle breeze against a sunset at sea are just dumb and poems that are written in the gales loaded with dry leaves that speak to the traveling spirit within the heart of every individual words. We invite in a very subtle way not to lose or forget our essence, nomadic and adventurous, you need to leave the mainland and go looking for the teachings of the sea and wind, not to lose its vitality. Wind is the compass of the heart that is always there in a very special way and light to show us the way to our dreams.

David Muñoz
The wind blows hard! On the day and sunny. It is a current that takes everything he sees in its path, and only left standing heavier or? xed things down that you can not carry. However, people feel that the wind pushes, moves her hair and beat her clothes ago.
Wind closes doors and windows, tiles tomb, moves the branches of trees with force drags trash, leaves, sand, clothing, everything is reached by its power! His strength rages over around noon, and keeps warning people that do not want the wind caught and carried her things away. However, it is intermittent, and let calm at times places that usually goes through.
But always come back! Arrival is seen with the sound of pastures or leaning trees and no resistance in its path. Indoors sound re? Ects how to brew reaches inside, and windows vibrated and sometimes frightening the inhabitants with slamming doors and locks out other ambient sounds. When the sun starts to walk away and leave, so does the wind, sending its last breaths and gradually disappearing, leaving calm and quiet place where it moves, leaving the silence predominate at night. The wind will not return until the next day, the sun returns to the heavens and, again, the current return with force. ¿No es correcto?

Polipolaridad . Juan Diego Prieto
The wind as a change agent, is a force that is always in relationship with us and our environment. It is a subject that, although before the eye is not visible, you have the ability to manipulate at will the perceptible world and the objects that compose it, attributing thus its own character, despite having no life, it does a temper. Be a gentle breeze, a gust or a squall, the Wind speaks and expresses us in many colors and is in the diversity of these ways which may occur where lies its temperamental and moody character. It is based on the study of the phenomenon of wind and how it is constantly changing, the concept of Polipolaridad is constructed as a metaphorical construction between the emotions of a person with the possible states of the wind. Just as every person can feel and express anger, happiness or sadness likewise you can do this phenomenon, either through a change or variation of its strength, direction or speed. Wind is polipar, in the sense that it has a split consciousness, and this makes irreverent and opinionated, manifesting itself at will from different nuances. It is this changing and unstable feature that makes this item a representation of absolute freedom.

Which color is the wind? . Alejandra Osorio.
I was always told that the wind was special because you could feel but not see. But I never believed it. For me the wind is not invisible, because I can see through all colors, in different shapes and materials. The wind is perceived feels and shows colors differently. Moving the sea lets us see the blue water reflecting the color of heaven, in summer rises sand beaches and see the yellow color that often penetrates to our eyes, in the see skies riskier being moved by the wind in their gliders cheering multicolored blue skies, in the spring we host of vivid colors that inspire us and bring us aromas of flowers reminding us that have life that winter is over. In autumn brings the colors of the leaves in green, yellow and orange.
In winter the color becomes monotonous but note that wind is agent to bring the target into pieces as shown in the long-awaited snowfall. And when we see white clouds being transported from one place to another at the whim of the wind understand that wind is the protagonist of which is formed in the heavens to create storm clouds that makes colors in shades of gray from becoming being helped by the colors of the rays even acclimate the landscape with their dark sounds and often threatening to form loºs tornadoes. In the storms we as the green of trees are moved violently and streets colors umbrellas that resist its force, with their designs in blues, yellows, reds used by women and the more conservative worn by men in black, gray and cafes to run for cover as the wind moves her dresses and outfits making colors run through the streets trying to escape the cold and water. This is why the wind can be seen through the colors and shapes, which are those that give visibility behind its transparency. The wind has only one color, the wind takes the color of everything around him and is so visible. The wind is multicolored.

Sofia Mejia
“The wind is a stream of air produced in the atmosphere by the meeting of different pressures in different areas.” Despite being transparent, the wind is not invisible but hard to decipher since from its very definition variability and combination evidenced elements. This character has a dual personality can be hateful or loving, a faint breeze or a heavy storm, fearful or tranquilizer, constant or variable, lasting or ephemeral, beautiful or ugly, technological advances help or destroy buildings, gentle or aggressive, silent or noisy. Every day we witness or evidence different facets of the wind. These faces can take one or another personality depending on the emotions of the person who is witnessing the encounter with the air stream.
Other ways to say duality are dimorphic, dualism, duplication, repetition and reiteration. The duality can be projected in typography essentially creating contrasts. One way is to divide the letters in two and make each other half as half black half white, half italic serif half, half water half fire, etc. Another option is to insert each letter of the alphabet between two opposing materials, contrasting colors, or opposing textures. Also, you can make combinations with the thickness and levels of the letter. I’ll design a font that project this duality by combining two opposing elements.

Mariana Acosta