Archive for September, 2010

paraflows .10

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Festival for Digital Art and Cultures


Going into its 5th year, the paraflows festival in Vienna will focus on
the interconnection between the programme and the object. Information
technology is based on the distinction between hardware and software, and
more often than not both systems are treated and discussed as independent
of each other. paraflows .10 – MIND AND MATTER seeks to put on display how hard- and software, content and object in contemporary art not only
co-exist, but also condition and shape each other.

What role does hardware play for media infrastructure – how is the net set up, what are the real pillars on which virtuality rests? How does the
sculptural process look like, from a technological point of view? What are the effects of technological prospects on physical representation?

What are the challenges that digital art must face, when it comes to conserving its works? Additionally to the applications in question, the
corresponding hardware needs to be preserved as well. But how does time affect technology-based works, their conditions of production and their

Mind and body are inextricably tied to each other, yet we are tempted to regard mental processes as independent of their bodily basis. Can
thoughts, personality or intelligence exist without a body? Or how does the aesthetic image of technology relate to its context, what kind of
interconnections are made?

Our exhibition MIND AND MATTER will present works from the very beginning of media art and also give an overview of current developments that combine programmes with sculpture.

For more information on paraflows .10 – MIND AND MATTER visit

We are looking for artistic positions dealing with the issues as afore mentioned.

Pls send your application as pdf file via e-mail to:

or ship to:

Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Vienna

Mandatory information for submissions:
1) name, institution (if existing), address, e-mail, phone number, website/s
2) submitted work: title, medium, author/artist, year of production
3) work description: 1 DIN A4-page maximum
4) technical explanation, room/space requirements (hardware, operating system, additional software)
5) biographies
7) documentation of earlier projects, e.g. a link to your website

Language: all submissions have to be in English or in German or need to have subtitles in one of the two languages. Works in any other language
have to include a text list in either German or English. We especially encourage international submissions.

DEADLINE: June 15th, 2010

paraflows CONTACT
Festival management: Guenther Friesinger
Exhibition management: Judith Fegerl
Office: MQ Musumsquartier
paraflows headoffice
Museumsplatz 1
A-1070 Vienna

paraflows .10 is supported by the City of Vienna, MA7 digital art and culture.