Archive for March, 2009

Post it Award Russia

Friday, March 20th, 2009


PN7 – Portfolio Night

Friday, March 20th, 2009

The march towards the most important event in the ihaveanidea calendar begins HERE.


SIGraDi São Paulo 2009: From Modern to Digital The Challenges of a Transition

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Queremos invitarlos a enviar sus papers a Sigradi 2009, esperamos tener una participación importante de las Facultades de Arquitectura y Diseño, Artes y Humanidades e Ingeniería de la Universidad en esta edición. Como saben seremos sede de Sigradi en 2010, y es de gran importancia nuestra participacion en Brasil este año.
El deadline es Abril 15, y pueden encontrar más detalles en este sitio Web:

During the last twenty years, we’ve been surprised by the emergence of a new architecture, of rare formal expressiveness and instigating use of materials that, moving far away from the typical standardization set under the industrial paradigm, employs differentiated components individually adjusted to its varied angles.

As Rivka Oxman (2006) puts it, they are incremental adjustments that when summoned upon the discontinuity, differentiation and diversity, form an architecture of great complexity, one that corresponds to a digital era architecture. 

According to William J. Mitchell, in a keynote lecture given at Viena CAADfutures Congress, in 2005, an architecture that, differently from what occured in the past, when buildings were the materialization of drawings, architecture today is the materialization of digital information, as buildings are designed and documented through CAD systems, simulated by digitally controlled machines and built up in site with the help of digital instruments.

For Branko Kolarevic (2003), this fact is related to the transfer of the contemporary production means keen to the aerospace, naval and automobile industries to the architectural realm, with methodologies based on digital technologies, precluding paper and in a continuous flux between design and construction.
Thus we are faced with a new Architecture attainable exclusively by the intense use of digital technologies throughout its production phases.

This condition has been extended into urban, industrial and communication design and arts in general, indicating that a thoroughly understanding of contemporary production entails a permanent debate about the fast paced evolution of digital technologies when applied to our field of knowledge .

This debate shall engage not only specialists and researchers, but the whole architecture and design comumnities, in an attempt to broaden the understanding of the central issues of the digital era and to gather feedback from the professional practice.

The upcoming SIGraDi Congress at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in São Paulo 2009, will be a great opportunity to check out the state of the art of worldwide developments in digital architecture, urban design, industrial design and arts, as well as an unique chance to take an inner glance at one of the largest global cities in the world.

Concurso de diseño Ingenia la tienda

Monday, March 16th, 2009

La Asociación de Amigos del Museo Nacional
lo invita a participar en el concurso Ingenia la tienda


Desarrollar productos promocionales a
partir de algunas piezas de sus colecciones
de arqueología, etnografía, arte e historia,
el edificio y el logo del Museo

Papel, madera, metal, textil y cerámica

Dirigido a
Público general mayor de 18 años

Bases del concurso

Las inscripciones se llevarán a cabo entre el
26 de febrero y el 20 de marzo del 2009

Asociación de Amigos del
Museo Nacional de Colombia
PBX: 287 5001


Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Cordial saludo,

Es muy grato para nosotros el interés depositado en esta convocatoria, estamos seguros que dejaremos en alto el talento artístico de nuestros connacionales.

A continuación se encuentra el marco conceptual de Colombianamente y los lineamientos generales para el envío de las propuestas:


Colombianamente es un festival que se realizará durante todo un día domingo del mes de julio y su principal objetivo es la promoción y consolidación de nuestros valores culturales y artísticos. A través de este espacio, se pretende mejorar la imagen de nuestro país, incentivar la inversión extranjera, promocionar el turismo, promover el interés de la comunidad internacional en Colombia, abrirle
oportunidades y opciones a los colombianos a nivel internacional y finalmente consolidarnos como comunidad residente en el Reino Unido.

De esta manera, se busca abrir una oportunidad en la que se fortalezca el sentido de pertenencia de los colombianos con el país, para así poder reflejarnos positivamente hacía las demás culturas del mundo, en el marco del diálogo armónico entre el arte y la cultura. Consideramos que logrando tolerancia entre las diferentes comunidades que harán parte en el festival, reforzaremos la imagen y riqueza cultural de nuestro país.

Integrar la comunidad colombiana residente en el Reino Unido
Abrir y mantener un canal de comunicación con las demás culturas a través del arte.
Enfatizar en la importancia del arte como forma de expresión social y el rol que juega para armonizar la
realidad política, económica y social de nuestro país.
Conocer, interactuar y aprender de las demás minorías etnicas que convergen en el Reino Unido.

Música, Teatro, Danzas, Exposiciones artísticas, Circo, Artes Plásticas, Fotografía y nuestra Gastronomía típica.

Es muy importante tener en cuenta que la propuesta se envíe electrónicamente a este correo y en formato JPG.

Esta será la imagen con la que se hará toda la publicidad, promoción, divulgación y convocatoria al festival. Cabe anotar que el nombre del ganador aparecerá en toda la promoción del mismo, esto es en los flyers, posters, etc. Por el momento, el propósito será la creación de la imagen, el logo insignia de Colombianamente. Una vez se tenga escogido, vendrá el proceso de diseño del material publicitario, incluyendo hora, día, lugar etc. En la medida en que estos datos aun no están confirmados, no se los podemos suministrar.

EN CUANTO AL PREMIO, les adelanto que por lo pronto, será un tiquete ida y regreso Colombia-Londres con participación privilegiada en el Festival. Próximamente, les confirmaré algo adicional.

Igualmente, les informo que durante el día de realización del Festival se hará la muestra artística de todos los diseños presentados.


Quedo atenta a cualquier inquietud adicional.


Ana Maria Palau Alvargonzalez
Consulado General de Colombia en Londres
Tel: 44 207 9277121

3rd Floor Westcott House, 35 Portland Place,
London W1B 1AE


Friday, March 6th, 2009

See “Degree” and “End of Year” -Shows and graduates of Art+Design Colleges from all over Europe at iamiam:

NEW in iamiam_INSIGHT:

Frankfurt Staedelschule Rundgang

Akademie Duesseldorf Rundgang

Fachhochschule Mainz Werkschau

For the very first time! Europes art + design future at a glance!

iamiam gives an insight into Art/Design-Schools/Colleges and Academies by looking to our TOUR through Open Days and Year Exhibitions. It’s the opportunity of exploring without travelling or time restriction.

See ART+DESIGN Degree-shows around Europe:

LONDON Royal College of Art, Chelsea College of Art and Design/ Goldsmiths College/ Central Saint Martin/Wimbledon, MANCHESTER Metropolitan University – Faculty of Art & Design, The GLASGOW School of Art, EDINBURGH College of Art, Kunstakademie und FH DUESSELDORF, Akademie DRESDEN, UDK BERLIN, BRUSSELS Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles and ERG, Gerrit Rietveld Academie AMSTERDAM, Muthesius Kunsthochschule KIEL, Staatl.Hochschule für Gestaltung KARLSRUHE, Hochschule für Medien COLOGNE, Academie Beeldende Kunsten MAASTRICHT, Koenigliche Akademie DEN HAAG, HKU UTRECHT, AKBild WIEN, HFBK HAMBURG, HGB LEIPZIG and more..

Prix Ars Electronica

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

For the 23rd time, Prix Ars Electronica, the foremost international prize for computer-based art, calls for entries.

Online Submission Deadline: March 6, 2009
(Please note a special Submission Deadline for the Media.Art.Research Award: February 20, 2009)

Categories: Computer Animation / Film / VFX, Digital Musics, Interactive Art, Hybrid Art,
Digital Communities, [the next idea] Grant, Media.Art.Research Award, u19 – freestyle computing (Austrian only)

Total prize money: 122.500 Euro

All details about the categories and the online submission are available online at:

We would like to ask you to help us ‘spread the word’ in your community by circulating the information as widely as possible. We also would be very glad if you could help us identify some projects, which in your opinion should participate in the competition. Please nominate such project for the competition via our website:

Please feel free to forward this to all interesting/ed parties.

If you need any further information or support, please do not hesitate to contact us:

With best regards,
The Prix Ars Electroncia Team 2009

Ars Electronica Linz GmbH
Hauptstraße 2-4
4040 Linz, Austria
Telefon: 0043-732-7272-79
Fax: 0043-732-7272-674

Jan van Eyck Academie

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Jan van Eyck Academie
Post-Academic Institute
for Research and Production
Fine Art, Design, Theory

Deadline: 15 April 2009

Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
The Netherlands

Artists, designers and theoreticians are invited to submit research and production proposals to become a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academie. The application deadline is 15 April 2009.

The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production in the fields of fine art, design and theory. Every year, 48 international researchers realise their individual or collective projects in the artistic and critical environment that is the Jan van Eyck. In doing so, they are advised by a team of artists, designers and theoreticians who have won their spurs globally. All in all, the Jan van Eyck offers artists, designers and theoreticians time and space to do research and realise productions, either about topics of their own choosing or as part of a project formulated by the institute itself.

Multi-Disciplinary Research

Artists, designers and theoreticians at the Jan van Eyck Academie work alongside each other and establish cross-disciplinary exchange. The academy is not led by predetermined leitmotivs. Artists, designers and theoreticians can submit independently formulated proposals for research and/or production in the departments of Fine Art, Design and Theory. They can also participate in research projects formulated by the departments:After 1968. What is the political?; Circle for Lacanian ideology Critique; Design Negation; ExtraStateCraft; Imaginary Property; The Cross-Cultural and the Counter-Modern. The result is a very heterogeneous programme of research topics. The miscellaneous nature of its research projects and productions make the Jan van Eyck a multi-disciplinary institute. The crosslinks which can exist between individual and/or collective projects and the exchange between researchers with different cultural and intellectual interests result in a creative and challe nging working environment.

The multi-disciplinary research projects are the basis for the Jan van Eyck programme. Researchers, departments and the institute organise various weekly activities, to which special speakers are invited: lectures, seminars, workshops, screenings, exhibitions, discussions, … These activities are announced on the website and via email.

Since the Jan van Eyck also aims to initiate the debate on art, design and theory and make it public, some activities are regularly organised with partners on regional, national and international venues, such as galleries, museums, academies, universities, …


Fine Art
The Fine Art department offers a unique space for experimentation, production, reflection and debate. Fine Art researchers conduct high-quality research in an environment that encourages the questioning of the assumptions, forms, meanings and contexts that are tied in with the practice of making art today. The fine arts department welcomes artists, individuals and groups, without stipulating conditions regarding form, content and media.

Advising researchers:
Orla Barry, Hans-Christian Dany, Hinrich Sachs, Imogen Stidworthy, Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi

The Design department focuses on design as research, discourse and publishing. It initiates and supports research projects in the areas of cultural and corporate identity, mapping, print and new media publishing, urban and regional identity, and book design.

The department expressly solicits individual designers to propose and carry out their own research in exchange with the institute’s array of events and presentations. While, formerly, the department used to focus on graphic and communication design, it has since widened its scope to include spatial, product and service design.

Advising researchers:

Keller Easterling, Florian Schneider, Daniel van der Velden


The Theory department is an international platform for reflection and research. Its mission is to create the opportunity for outstanding researchers to explore alternative ways of shaping their intellectual horizons by providing a stimulating environment for critical inquiry and intense debate. The Theory department welcomes applications from researchers of unusual promise who pursue their artistic and/or intellectual view of the interface of critical theory, philosophy, aesthetics and psychoanalysis with the visual arts.

Advising researchers:

Katja Diefenbach, Dominiek Hoens, Kobena Mercer


Monday, March 2nd, 2009

KNOW HOW, the theme of the fifth Tallinn applied art triennial, will challenge participants to cast aside artist-, designer- and producer-centred approaches, to share their professional know-how, and to offer exhibition visitors an opportunity to (re-)create the items themselves.
The exhibition welcomes high-quality designs where the artist is behind the concept and form—but the actual production of the items makes a transition to the users.

Artists will be requested to submit to the exhibition a (sample) work as well as instructions on how to make it. Both will be put on display. The instructions should not merely be a description of how the work was created, but rather a manual for the exhibition visitor explaining how to re-create the object. Text and photographs can be used, as well as freehand and computer graphics, stencilling, and many other techniques. The exhibition will also have a website where virtual visitors will be able to download manuals. The exhibition catalogue will feature the sample works as well as instructions on how to make them.

KNOW HOW is statement: good design rests on a good idea. As such, the quality of work must be preserved even if concept and execution are separated from each other. KNOW HOW will allow ordinarily passive exhibition-goers to become participants in the design process.

Tallinn Applied Art Triennial Society
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design
Lai 17
10133 Tallinnn


Monday, March 2nd, 2009


Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award
Deadline: 22.03.2009

red dot award: design concept
Deadline: 27.03.2009

iF communication award 2009
Deadline: 30.04.2009

James Dyson Award 2009
Deadline: 15.06.2009

Materialica Design + Tecnology Award 2009 /Student Award
Deadline: 30.06.2009


Pocket Films Festival 2009
Deadline: 02.03.2009

Festival des deutschen Films 2009
Deadline: 13.03.2009

Festival de Cannes 2009
Shortfilms max. 15 Min
Deadline: 15.03.2009

Norwegian Short Film Festival Grimstad 2009

Cinema Jove 2009
20.06.2009 27.06.2009
Deadline: 16.03.2009

Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Cannes 2009
Deadline: 17.03.2009

Monte-Carlo Television Festival 2009
TV-Filme und Mini Series from 45 Min.
Deadline: 20.03.2009

Festival International du Documentaire de Marseille 2009
Deadline: 20.03.2009

Animafest Zagreb 2009
World Festival of Animated Film
Deadline: 20.03.2009

MIT European Short Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 23.03.2009

Semaine Internationale de la Critique Cannes 2009
Deadline: 23.03.2009

Durban International Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 31.03.2009

International Film Festival Emden-Norderney 2009
Deadline: 31.03.2009

OpenEyes 2009
Deadline: 01.04.2009

Taipei Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 15.04.2009