Film- and Videofestival Deadlines May/June 2009

May 5th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

diskurs 09 – festival for performing arts
Festival für junge Kunst aus Europa mit
Schwerpunkt auf performativen Künsten.
Deadline: 15.05.2009

International Women’s Film Festival Rehovot 2009
Deadline: 15.05.2008

DOCSDF, International Documentary Film Festival Mexico City 2009
Deadline: 15.05.2009

DOK Leipzig 2009
Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm
Deadline: 29.05.2009

Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival 2009
Dokumentarfilmfestival, entry fee (10-35$)
Deadline: 29.05.2009

Capalbio Cinema International Short Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 30.05.2009

One Minute Film & Videofestival Aarau 2009
Deadline: 31.05.2009

Docúpolis 2009
Festival Internacional Documental de Barcelona
Deadline: 31.05.2009

Milano Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 31.05.2009

First Steps 2009
Der Deutsche Nachwuchspreis
Preis für beste Abschlussfilme (fertig gestellt ab 1.06. 2008), sowie Werbespots 25.08.2009
Deadline: 31.05.2009

Internationales Bergfilm-Festival Tegernsee 2009
Einreichungen in den Kategorien Erlebnis-, Naturraum Berg
(Landschaft, Abenteuer, Bergsport, Kultur, Umwelt…)
Deadline: 31.05.2009

Festival Internazionale del Film Locarno 2009
nur Premieren
Deadline: 01.06.2009

Split Film Festival 2009
Deadline: 01.06.2009

Ottawa International Animation Festival 2009
Deadline: 01.06.2009

Austin Film Festival 2009
entry fee (40$)
Deadline: 03.06.2009

Kyoto International Student Film & Video Festival 2009
Deadline: 05.06.2009

dokumentART, Europäisches Filmfestival Neubrandenburg / Stettin 2009
Dokumentarfilme bis 60 Min.
Deadline: 10.06.2009

Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival 2009
Deadline: 15.06.2009

KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2009
Deadline: 15.06.2009

Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo 2009
Deadline: 20.06.2009

Designboom calls for entries

April 22nd, 2009 by Annelie Franke

designboom international design competition.
Participation is open to people aged 25 years or older,
across every country in the world, to professionals, students,
and design-enthusiasts.
Free registration required.

01 – the subject of the international competition is
It’s Aperitivo Time
One of Italy’s most established and iconic brands, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, in collaboration with Alessi, are collaborating with designboom to organize the Peroni Nastro Azzurro Blue Ribbon Design Awards 2009 in the UK.

Peroni Nastro Azzurro has created these awards to offer you the chance to design pieces for the aperitivo occasion, which are influenced and inspired by the Peroni Nastro Azzurro brand.

Aperitivo is an authentic Italian tradition that combines delicious small plate of food with refreshing alcoholic drinks during the early evening hours as a relaxing prelude to dinner. Aperitivo is recognised as a reason for social gathering, and is a stylish and elaborate affair. Aperitivo is also a fantastic brief to design against due to the transitional nature of the occasion.
It’s day to night. It’s work to play.

We expect to receive innovative, stylish and original design applications of aperitivo accessories, including glasses, tableware, small furniture, tools and gadgets for the perfect aperitivo time.

The custom of enjoying aperitivo is deeply rooted in Italian culture, with Italians regularly enjoying aperitivo
as part of everyday life – in public spaces, cafes and bars that serve up sumptuous aperitivo; gallery openings and parties; and amongst family and friends at home.

02 – awards
The designers of 2 winning entries will win a cash prize of: EURO 5000 each

The winning entries and other selected finalists will be shown in a Peroni Nastro Azzurro exhibition
in London, which will then be rolled out to the Design Museum’s UK regional partners, and a host of top-end UK style bars.

There is also the opportunity for finalist / winning designs to be developed into items for the Alessi catalogue, working together the Alessi design management structure, as well as the potential for the winning designs to be used in iconic Peroni Nastro Azzurro advertising.

In the event that Alessi exercises the option to use the rights for production on an exclusive basis and sine die (without time limitations), Alessi undertakes to pay a royalty of annual sales to the designer.

And as always, designboom will publish an exhaustive results report.

03 – the jury is composed of
Alberto Alessi, Creative Director, Alessi
Martin Harlow, Board Director, Peroni Nastro Azzuro UK
Birgit Lohmann, Editor-in-Chief, designboom
under construction

04 – design criteria
Projects must be new – they must not be currently in production. Previously published or exhibited projects are not accepted.
It is important that you keep your design(s) confidential until the results of the competition are published.

The jury will favour designs and concepts which are innovative in terms of their formal / technological aspects. Please don’t send in vague concepts, but go a step further. It’s not the idea which is the art, it’s more the way somebody handles the idea that makes art.

05 – registration deadline
Applications can be submitted from March 16, 2008 and will be accepted through to 12pm, GMT June 08, 2009, when the competition will be officially closed.

06 – registration
Registrations are now open, please fill in the form (link below). If you are a team, please register with one name only, and when submitting your work you should add all team members names. at time of registering,all team members should be 25 years or older (There is a maximum of 4 works that can be submitted by any individual or group.)
register here

07 – submit your entry / entries
Whether you’re an individual or group, you can only submit a maximum of 4 works. You and your team
will only be eligible for one prize and teams will count as one ‘participant’ for the purposes of these rules and terms.

1. Up to 3 files for uploading to our server
(Images or a composition of more images) of your project.
Please note: use only .gif, .jpeg, (72 dpi) max 100 kb each file, RGB color mode.
image size max 600 (width) x 700 (height) pixels.

If you are not able to reduce the size of your file please see the tutorial on how reduce the size of your file with photoshop.

The original high-resolution image(s) will be requested if your work is shortlisted.

2. Explanation of ideas
You have the possibility to explain your design by entering a brief description, in the text entry fields (english text only, explanation is expected to be concise).

3. You are required to accept the competition rules and terms The Competition rules and terms are contained in this ‘call for entries’ and in the registration link.

By submitting your entry, you and all members of your team are agreeing to such rules and terms. All individual team members will be treated as accepting these rules and conditions upon a submission being made.
Note that:
a) All submissions must be original works. The participant warrants that he or she is the owner of all copyright, design rights, patent rights, rights in trade or service marks or other trade names, inventions,
confidential information, know-how, and trade secrets or any other intellectual property rights including all moral rights (Intellectual Property Rights) in or arising from the design submission, and that the submission or its use, reproduction or display in any from or media (including in future publicity materials) will not infringe the Intellectual Property or other rights of any person or entity and does not require any form of payment (including royalty payments) to any person in order for them to be used or reproduced. only entries with a declaration of authorship are accepted! (when submitting your design you will be asked to tick the box of declaration)
b) Peroni and Alessi reserve the right to make use of winners’ (and all team members) names
(and age and town/city of residence, but excluding their full address) and photographs in future advertising

and other PR or marketing communications, as they see fit. Winners and selected finalists may be required to provide photographs and to participate in publicity activities, for which no remuneration will be paid.

c) The competition is not open to employees of Peroni, Alessi, Designboom, or their associated companies, or their relatives.

d) the organisers shall not be responsible for any entries which are not received which delayed
or corrupted in any way as a result of transmission.

e) The decision of the jury appointed by the organisers shall be final and no correspondence shall be entered into.

f) Judging will take place on or around July 01 2009 and winners will be notified by email.

submit your entry here

08 – deadline for submission of entries
Works can be submitted until [12] pm, GMT June 08, 2009.

09 – copyright
Any Intellectual Property Rights in submissions shall remain in the ownership of the participant

by submitting a design in the competition, the participant agrees to provide Alessi with the right of first refusal to the exclusive use of the design. This option is valid for 6 months after the competition will end.
in the event that Alessi exercises the option to use the rights for production on an exclusive basis and sine die (without time limitations), Alessi undertakes to pay a royalty of annual sales to the designer. [see above comment] and, by participating in the competition, all participants authorise Designboom Peroni Nastro Azzurro and Alessi to publish and exhibit at any time, anywhere in the world all or any of the designs submitted (including project data submitted) – waiving any right to compensation or other fees – at exhibitions and events and/or to use or reproduce them in any communications, publications or advertising linked to the Peroni brand that the organisers may deem suitable and/or necessary.

10 – eligibility
The competition is only open to people aged 25 years or older. Proof of age may be required

11 – applicable law and dispute resolution
These rules and terms shall be interpreted and construed in accordance English law.
and all disputes resulting from or in connection with this competition shall be resolved by the English courts in the first instance.

12 – info on Peroni Nastro Azzurro
Peroni Nastro Azzurro is Italy’s number one premium beer and has been enjoyed by UK consumers since 1965. It has been continuously growing in a declining UK beer market & was re-launched in the UK in 2005
with an ‘Italian design applied to beer’ positioning. It is currently distributed throughout the UK in premium outlets. It’s huge success in the UK driven by establishing and maintaining it premium Italian Style position.
This aspirational lifestyle image sets it apart in the Beer category.

The secret to the success of Italian stylishness & world famous Italian style brands such as Armani, Ferrari, Alessi, lies in an ethos innate to Italian culture. That ethos, ‘La Bella Figura’, is the Italian belief in the importance of looking and acting your best in everything you do. More than a superficial, materialistic notion, it is a fusion of substance and style through the virtues of passion, flair and attention to detail. So inured are these ideals within Italian culture that style and sophistication flow instinctively and effortlessly within their creations.

This sense of craftsmanship is central to Peroni Nastro Azzurro. A well-balanced, clear pale lager, it’s made by brewing the finest spring-planted barley and Italian maize combined with malts and hops to create the highest standard of premium beer.

As the taste of Peroni Nastro Azzurro is synonymous with Italian style, so too is the bottle. Claiming the honour of ‘Birra Superiore’, the embossed Peroni Nastro Azzurro bottle has become an international Italian icon.

To demonstrate and celebrate their shared Italian values, one of Italy’s most established and iconic brands,
Peroni Nastro Azzurro, is collaborating with Alessi.

The coming together of these two ‘Italian greats’ will celebrate Italian style by contributing to the arena with the creation of Italian ‘icons’ of its own through collaborating with Alessi.

As part of it’s 2008 food campaign, Peroni Nastro Azzurro focused on aperitivo, partnering with Locatelli who created iconic Italian aperitivo dishes for this particular campaign.

13 – info on Alessi

13 – questions?
Enquiries to
Please write in the subject line: It’s Aperitivo Time

KlangKunstBühne 09

April 14th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

KlangKunstBühne 09
International Summer Academy
An interdisciplinary search for new images, sounds, spaces and figures.

September, 26th to October, 11th / November, 14th to 29th 2009

Now in its sixth year, KlangKunstBühne again ventures into the zones where music, theatre and visual art meet. Jurji A. Vasiljev und Philippe Gaulier’s courses offer basic acting and vocal training for actors as well as for artists from other disciplines. The ‘now’ of theatre – real and imaginary spaces, hidden realities, unspeakable forms – are the focus of César Brie’s workshops. Candice Breitz deals with the development of individual multimedia ‘instruments’ and their ramifications. Christina Kubisch experiments with the sounds of electromagnetic fields in urban space and Josef Anton Riedl and Michael Lentz explore sound poetry, acoustic art, speech acts and electronic sounds.

If you would like to receive information about KlangKunstBühne 2009 by post, please send us an e-mail with your name and your postal address to


Please click on the following link in order to download the registration form:

>> KlangKunstBühne 2009 Registration Form (PDF: 47KB)

If you have any questions, please contact the KlangKunstBühne office: Tel. +49 (0)30 3185-2701.

If you would like to receive information about KlangKunstBühne 2009 by post, please send us an e-mail with your name and your postal address to:

Universität der Künste Berlin

Post it Award Russia

March 20th, 2009 by Annelie Franke


PN7 – Portfolio Night

March 20th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

The march towards the most important event in the ihaveanidea calendar begins HERE.


SIGraDi São Paulo 2009: From Modern to Digital The Challenges of a Transition

March 17th, 2009 by admin

Queremos invitarlos a enviar sus papers a Sigradi 2009, esperamos tener una participación importante de las Facultades de Arquitectura y Diseño, Artes y Humanidades e Ingeniería de la Universidad en esta edición. Como saben seremos sede de Sigradi en 2010, y es de gran importancia nuestra participacion en Brasil este año.
El deadline es Abril 15, y pueden encontrar más detalles en este sitio Web:

During the last twenty years, we’ve been surprised by the emergence of a new architecture, of rare formal expressiveness and instigating use of materials that, moving far away from the typical standardization set under the industrial paradigm, employs differentiated components individually adjusted to its varied angles.

As Rivka Oxman (2006) puts it, they are incremental adjustments that when summoned upon the discontinuity, differentiation and diversity, form an architecture of great complexity, one that corresponds to a digital era architecture. 

According to William J. Mitchell, in a keynote lecture given at Viena CAADfutures Congress, in 2005, an architecture that, differently from what occured in the past, when buildings were the materialization of drawings, architecture today is the materialization of digital information, as buildings are designed and documented through CAD systems, simulated by digitally controlled machines and built up in site with the help of digital instruments.

For Branko Kolarevic (2003), this fact is related to the transfer of the contemporary production means keen to the aerospace, naval and automobile industries to the architectural realm, with methodologies based on digital technologies, precluding paper and in a continuous flux between design and construction.
Thus we are faced with a new Architecture attainable exclusively by the intense use of digital technologies throughout its production phases.

This condition has been extended into urban, industrial and communication design and arts in general, indicating that a thoroughly understanding of contemporary production entails a permanent debate about the fast paced evolution of digital technologies when applied to our field of knowledge .

This debate shall engage not only specialists and researchers, but the whole architecture and design comumnities, in an attempt to broaden the understanding of the central issues of the digital era and to gather feedback from the professional practice.

The upcoming SIGraDi Congress at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, in São Paulo 2009, will be a great opportunity to check out the state of the art of worldwide developments in digital architecture, urban design, industrial design and arts, as well as an unique chance to take an inner glance at one of the largest global cities in the world.

Concurso de diseño Ingenia la tienda

March 16th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

La Asociación de Amigos del Museo Nacional
lo invita a participar en el concurso Ingenia la tienda


Desarrollar productos promocionales a
partir de algunas piezas de sus colecciones
de arqueología, etnografía, arte e historia,
el edificio y el logo del Museo

Papel, madera, metal, textil y cerámica

Dirigido a
Público general mayor de 18 años

Bases del concurso

Las inscripciones se llevarán a cabo entre el
26 de febrero y el 20 de marzo del 2009

Asociación de Amigos del
Museo Nacional de Colombia
PBX: 287 5001


March 8th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

Cordial saludo,

Es muy grato para nosotros el interés depositado en esta convocatoria, estamos seguros que dejaremos en alto el talento artístico de nuestros connacionales.

A continuación se encuentra el marco conceptual de Colombianamente y los lineamientos generales para el envío de las propuestas:


Colombianamente es un festival que se realizará durante todo un día domingo del mes de julio y su principal objetivo es la promoción y consolidación de nuestros valores culturales y artísticos. A través de este espacio, se pretende mejorar la imagen de nuestro país, incentivar la inversión extranjera, promocionar el turismo, promover el interés de la comunidad internacional en Colombia, abrirle
oportunidades y opciones a los colombianos a nivel internacional y finalmente consolidarnos como comunidad residente en el Reino Unido.

De esta manera, se busca abrir una oportunidad en la que se fortalezca el sentido de pertenencia de los colombianos con el país, para así poder reflejarnos positivamente hacía las demás culturas del mundo, en el marco del diálogo armónico entre el arte y la cultura. Consideramos que logrando tolerancia entre las diferentes comunidades que harán parte en el festival, reforzaremos la imagen y riqueza cultural de nuestro país.

Integrar la comunidad colombiana residente en el Reino Unido
Abrir y mantener un canal de comunicación con las demás culturas a través del arte.
Enfatizar en la importancia del arte como forma de expresión social y el rol que juega para armonizar la
realidad política, económica y social de nuestro país.
Conocer, interactuar y aprender de las demás minorías etnicas que convergen en el Reino Unido.

Música, Teatro, Danzas, Exposiciones artísticas, Circo, Artes Plásticas, Fotografía y nuestra Gastronomía típica.

Es muy importante tener en cuenta que la propuesta se envíe electrónicamente a este correo y en formato JPG.

Esta será la imagen con la que se hará toda la publicidad, promoción, divulgación y convocatoria al festival. Cabe anotar que el nombre del ganador aparecerá en toda la promoción del mismo, esto es en los flyers, posters, etc. Por el momento, el propósito será la creación de la imagen, el logo insignia de Colombianamente. Una vez se tenga escogido, vendrá el proceso de diseño del material publicitario, incluyendo hora, día, lugar etc. En la medida en que estos datos aun no están confirmados, no se los podemos suministrar.

EN CUANTO AL PREMIO, les adelanto que por lo pronto, será un tiquete ida y regreso Colombia-Londres con participación privilegiada en el Festival. Próximamente, les confirmaré algo adicional.

Igualmente, les informo que durante el día de realización del Festival se hará la muestra artística de todos los diseños presentados.


Quedo atenta a cualquier inquietud adicional.


Ana Maria Palau Alvargonzalez
Consulado General de Colombia en Londres
Tel: 44 207 9277121

3rd Floor Westcott House, 35 Portland Place,
London W1B 1AE


March 6th, 2009 by Annelie Franke

See “Degree” and “End of Year” -Shows and graduates of Art+Design Colleges from all over Europe at iamiam:

NEW in iamiam_INSIGHT:

Frankfurt Staedelschule Rundgang

Akademie Duesseldorf Rundgang

Fachhochschule Mainz Werkschau

For the very first time! Europes art + design future at a glance!

iamiam gives an insight into Art/Design-Schools/Colleges and Academies by looking to our TOUR through Open Days and Year Exhibitions. It’s the opportunity of exploring without travelling or time restriction.

See ART+DESIGN Degree-shows around Europe:

LONDON Royal College of Art, Chelsea College of Art and Design/ Goldsmiths College/ Central Saint Martin/Wimbledon, MANCHESTER Metropolitan University – Faculty of Art & Design, The GLASGOW School of Art, EDINBURGH College of Art, Kunstakademie und FH DUESSELDORF, Akademie DRESDEN, UDK BERLIN, BRUSSELS Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles and ERG, Gerrit Rietveld Academie AMSTERDAM, Muthesius Kunsthochschule KIEL, Staatl.Hochschule für Gestaltung KARLSRUHE, Hochschule für Medien COLOGNE, Academie Beeldende Kunsten MAASTRICHT, Koenigliche Akademie DEN HAAG, HKU UTRECHT, AKBild WIEN, HFBK HAMBURG, HGB LEIPZIG and more..

Prix Ars Electronica

March 2nd, 2009 by Annelie Franke

For the 23rd time, Prix Ars Electronica, the foremost international prize for computer-based art, calls for entries.

Online Submission Deadline: March 6, 2009
(Please note a special Submission Deadline for the Media.Art.Research Award: February 20, 2009)

Categories: Computer Animation / Film / VFX, Digital Musics, Interactive Art, Hybrid Art,
Digital Communities, [the next idea] Grant, Media.Art.Research Award, u19 – freestyle computing (Austrian only)

Total prize money: 122.500 Euro

All details about the categories and the online submission are available online at:

We would like to ask you to help us ‘spread the word’ in your community by circulating the information as widely as possible. We also would be very glad if you could help us identify some projects, which in your opinion should participate in the competition. Please nominate such project for the competition via our website:

Please feel free to forward this to all interesting/ed parties.

If you need any further information or support, please do not hesitate to contact us:

With best regards,
The Prix Ars Electroncia Team 2009

Ars Electronica Linz GmbH
Hauptstraße 2-4
4040 Linz, Austria
Telefon: 0043-732-7272-79
Fax: 0043-732-7272-674