Tecnologías para sentir y controlar
January 25th, 2010 by admin
Un sensor es un dispositivo que nos permite obtener información acerca del mundo que nos rodea, en particular de un fenómeno sobre el cual tenemos interés, existen diferentes tecnologías y sensores, entre ellos de luz, movimiento, distancia, posición, humedad, temperatura, CO2 etc. Un actuador es un dispositivo que nos permite producir cambios en el mundo físico, por ejemplo un motor produce movimiento, una lámpara cambia las condiciones de iluminación del espacio.
Lectura: Extension 8: Electronics in the Arts, Casey Reas & Hernando Barragán.
Reas, Casey, Ben Fry, Processing, A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, Foreword by John Maeda
Chapters by: Alexander R. Galloway, Golan Levin, R. Luke DuBois, Simon Greenwold, Francis Li, Hernando Barragán
MIT Press, 2007. ISBN-10: 0-262-18262-9, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-18262-1
En este sitio pueden encontrar el Hardware de Wiring y toda clase de sensores y actuadores: tienda de robótica
Cada grupo debe traer por lo menos 1 computador portatil con Wiring instalado: http://wiring.org.co/download/.
No olvidar descargar los drivers para su computador como lo indica el paso 1 de la guía de instalación: http://wiring.org.co/hardware/softwaresetup.html
Aquí pueden familiarizarse con los primeros ejercicios:
http://wiring.org.co/learning/basics/ledblink.html hacer titilar un LED
http://wiring.org.co/learning/basics/photoresistor.html como funciona la fotoresistencia
http://wiring.org.co/learning/basics/potentiometer.html hacer funcionar el potenciómetro
http://wiring.org.co/learning/basics/switch.html como funciona el switch
Como tarea deben completar un ejercicio usando 8 leds y un sensor de luz, el número de leds encendidos debe ser proporcional a la intensidad de la luz medida por su sensor. Realice también el experimento de manera inversa, es decir que la cantidad de leds encendidos sea inversamente proporcional a la iluminación detectada.
Lecturas: Gillian´s Notebook, Cluster Magazine
Deliverables for Feb 23 (to Italy)
February 14th, 2009 by admin
Lugar escogido por la Universidad de Los Andes
February 14th, 2009 by admin_MI07 Assab One
Via Assab 1, Milano
L’AssabOne. Un bellissimo contenitore per qualsiasi tipo di idea.
è un’ex tipografia, ci sono ancora tutte le macchine e un sacco di angoli strani e bellissimi.
The so called emo-punk guys gathering in S. Lorentz column area on Saturday afternoon.
> the place has already been chosen by Design School, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Milano mi fa male
January 26th, 2009 by adminlike any other years we will use the NABA campus during the furniture fair (22/27 april 2009), to make a big event related to the school of design and guest schools.
this year the project will be developed with this design magazine called Ddn free (it comes out every three months, distributed all over italy).
The starting point of the project is a map of Milan which marks 100 unusual places in the city. There are places where you can find a different Milan, not the one we usually imagine. beautiful places,unknown places, strange ones.
We want these places to become inspiration for design projects
_00 before fuorisalone
we want to produce a big map of milan to be given together with the magazine, Ddn, in number preceding fuorisalone: a map fo the hidden and unknown beautiful and interesting palces in milan, through a contemporary representation of medieval maps.
each school should choose one place in the list and to imagine a project referred to that place.
a project able to reveal further things about that place, the city, the world we live in.
the theme for the design exercise should be: “to host / hospitality”.
(each school should developed what they think is more appropriate it can be a pillow to be more confortable during the subway ride.
or a temporary shelter on top of a tree, some cell-phone based service where you get xyz special info etc.etc.etc.)
the goal is actually to have 100 projects radically different one from each other.
_01 during fuorisalone
during fuorisalone, all schools are invited to come to Milano and prototype the project for real (in complete, or partial way, taking documentation)
_02 at the end of fuorisalone
At the end of the design week we will make a great festival in NABA campus to celebrate the end of the project.
_final result
a map with two conceptual layers:
the guide to unknown places in milan
a report on unused potential within the city.